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Back Trailing the Trail of Tears!

An ANNA Prayer Event

May 9th, 2015

Moravian Falls, North Carolina


The Short Story

Trail of Tears Route

Trail of Tears Route

Anna Sixkiller

Anna Sixkiller

Vice Chief Snowbird Easter Cherokee

Vice Chief Snowbird Easter Cherokee

Chief of Snowbird Eastern Cherokee

Chief of Snowbird Eastern Cherokee

Initiative Prayer

Initiative Prayer

Alison Muesing - Initiative

Alison Muesing - Initiative

Wapam belt

Wapam belt

While in Dallas, Texas recently, we felt that we were to attend the Cherokee Day of Prayer in Marble City, OK. After that we were to back track the Trail of Tears and "reverse the curse" by blessing the land.


That same night (Monday) we had dinner with a few local natives living in Dallas. One of the ladies who is Mississippi Choctaw told us her testimony and how last year around this time she had a vison of walking the trail of tears to "reverse the curse" and for it to be a "trail of cheer: rather than tears! We started giggling as she told the story because it confirmed our next move.


The next dat we met with a Cherokee man and telling him about what God told us. He confirmed it again because a couple years ago he was told to back track the Trail of Tears!


With this, a few of us will be taking the northern route of the trail and the others will take the southern route. We will then meet near south of Cherokee to have our small intimate prayer summit on May 9th. Join us! 


More info:

                 (816) 709-5255

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